Back in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic i was furloughed off work, being an non essential worker. Since i began my job at Lakeland kitchenwares etc i noticed their became lots of food waste with out of date products. I rescued a majority of them from Bags of Flour, Munchy seeds, Yogurt mixes, Iicng, Frostings and other random items. I downloaded Olio and began listing them to giveaway, some items i had no use for like gluten free Bread mixes and wholemeal flour mixes. I have kept a Diary and rehomed over 100 items, these would have gone in the bin otherwise.

I will say that the people on the app will either be straight forward and collect, or mess you around/not turn up. Some will be polite and others not. I choose to giveaway to those who take the time to be polite and not just write pickup address pls!

I did have one pickup that was taken by a random passer by, who my neighbour told me looked suspicious. This was just a Lemon dessert mix, i find it funny in a way.

I also kept some for myself, having a endless supply of Easiyo Yogurt mixes that went out of date over the years i was there. 40 tins of Marmalade mix and countless Bread mixes. Some people would think nothing of just binning them without thoughts as they pass the best before date. When people see the best before date they have this notion it is not consumable and must not be good anymore. This is often confused with use by date which should not be passed.

I found in the pandemic many sites selling past best before date items, and wished i had found them earlier. Best before it`s gone, Clearance xxl and Cut price Barrys. As well as using Americanfizz and their fab clearance zone for discounted American and imported goods. Seeing these bargain buys and having room to store is always the issue. I frequently use these sites.

After i returned to work in July 2020 from furlough of 4 months, their was more food out of date and i really struggled to carry it home one day. I rehomed these also, from Xmas chocs, Easter foods and more. The amount of Bread flour packs of 10 that were to be wasted was eye watering, as they didn’t tend to sell much. Unfortunately these ended up binned in the end. I am proud of all the items i have managed to save from waste.

  • Gravy stock concentrate bottles
  • Stock mix
  • Ice cream mixes
  • Easiyo Yogurt sachets
  • Make your own Marmalade tins
  • Munchy seeds
  • Rennet
  • Bread flour mixed
  • Gluten free Bread mix
  • Wholemeal Bread mixes
  • Various flavours of frosting and icings
  • Lemon Dessert mixes
  • Coffee pods
  • Dressings bottles
  • Marzipan and fondant icing

After the 1st pandemic we went back on furlough in December and came back in April. Unfortunately in that time i sadly lost my Granddad who passed away in February and we were faced with having to sort out his flat and belongings. I dont even know how to fathom how you go about this, or how we even did it. I was adamant to try and save as much as possible, not for memory sake but hated the thought of these things he had kept so long being thrown away. I used the Olio app and rehomed so much that we would not have wanted. It fills my heart with joy to know they went to new homes and were appreciated. Some was donated to charity when they reopened after the shops reopened.

  • Suitcases
  • Clothes
  • Cushions
  • Xmas Tree
  • Cups, plates, bowls, Glasses
  • Dishes
  • Ashtrays
  • Vases, boards
  • Bed sheets, duvet covers
  • Chairs
  • Breadbin, chopping board
  • Decorative ornaments
  • Ironing board

I have mostly used the app to give away and not take for myself, but on occasion i have got something in return from those collecting items from me. I got a box of xmas decorations from a lady who took a bunch of glass frames, she was doing an art project with them at home. I also did some swaps with food waste heroes and got some foods back in return for items.

We were getting a new Dining Table, our old wooden one had a loose leg but nothing wrong otherwise, we would have had to dump it and so i listed it, a lovely couple came to take it, who had no table actually! so glad it went to a good home other than landfill or being destroyed

I met a food waste hero a few times who had several of my items, and got mixed goods from, Bread, salads, Pastries. It is great to give away something to avoid waste and get something back also saving it from waste. She was into Gardening and took some items to use outdoors and we chatted for a while, she cycled from here( Stratford East London to Dagenham!

Way before these apps became part of my life, i was always trying to prevent waste, which can lead sometimes to accumulating goods. Sometimes you do just have to let it go. In my baking i always try to use up things we have in the fridge/freezer or Cupboard. When you get things cheap like with yellowstickers it can lead to waste, when you buy it cheap and think its only cheap doesn’t matter if i waste it!

Last year i unexpectedly was told i would lose my job of 5 years at Lakeland Kitchenware. They were to close down the store, and our team went through closing down the store and fixtures. Having to sort out the office, staffroom and shopfloor. So much stuff was going to be thrown and once again i stepped in. Everything from rubber bands and office supplies to coffee sachets and Sugar. I rescued around 10 bottles of Bleach , stools and cleaning supplies. I brought some of the store fixtures baskets crates etc. Still a lot was still thrown i could not save from Plates to cups and tools. Xmas Trees, Grass turf from display.

Too Good to Go App

I have become very good at food recycling and it has become a great inspiration for creating my bakes and dishes. Breathing new life into something a little stale or out of date or wilted. And on that note brings me to Too good to go

I downloaded Too good to go and my 1st magic bag was from Costa Coffee. It was mainly sandwiches and Toasties. As new stores were added i tried Greggs, Lolas Cupcakes, Yo sushi,Starbucks and then Morrisons. I have had some great Magic bags ad now mainly get one from Morrisons. Getting a mystery bag of goods from Veg, Fruit and bakery goods. Sometimes they have been a little underwhelming and sometimes wow! They have become a little unpredictable now with their increased popularity. They sell out quickly and often get cancelled. These are a good way to live for less at only £3.09 and the best one had over 20 items!

These can incur waste though, when you have lots of Bread or items you do not usually us. It makes you get creative with dishes and use what you have, a bit like ready steady cook. I have admittedly wasted some from not using them in time. Will try to get better at this with freezing more or using sooner. These are a great bargain and in this recession a great way to eat for less.

And different stores can be so different, my local one has always been a cardboard box of Fruit and veggies. The other nearby store comes in 2 bags and is much better includes, Pastries, Breads, Cakes and Fruit/Veg for the same price. I always post a photo of my bag when i get it on my insta @adampastryguy. They do sell out quick though, think there are 5 once their was just 1 available.

Many more stores have been added since i started using it, they are all different so try them out, and dont expect too much, you can only then be surprised. They vary can be cancelled or not contain much as you had hoped. I have not had too many bad ones.

I think all these things just intertwine together, Cheap past best before date foods, Yellow stickers, Too good to go magic bags and Olio.

We can all do our bit to try and prevent and reduce food waste, and general waste by reusing.

Having worked at krispy Kreme the amount of Waste is eye watering! although most of it is sent back and recycled into Animal food, seeing it in bin bags is still waste. Like the store i worked at was disposed of and the shopping centre turns it into energy?

The issue i guess will always be supply and demand. We get used to it always being available even if we do not buy it, and expect it to be always there. But at least something is being done with these apps and peoples changing mindsets.

Thanks for reading

Adam x