This time last year on 31st December 2021 we decided to join Costco. My dad is able to join as he is in one of the professions allowed. He also got a Blue light discount offer, this made it most appealing as we got a discounted membership and £20 vouchers.

I always wondered what it was like inside and what elusive things they sell. Essentially it is a huge warehouse with bulk buys and larger size items. But you also got one off product lines and special exclusive items. Mum and ad both got a card and remember their mugshots for the card looking like Criminals lol. Dad had a hat on and a facemask under his chin!

The biggest allure is the saving of the cash by buying bulk, but is it really cheaper?

I recently watched a documentary on Costco and how it runs and behind the scenes most interesting. In the year we have had membership we have gone several times as it is nearby a shopping centre Lakeside in Thurrock Essex. Going in the 1st time was exciting not knowing what to expect or see and the prices.

1st rule check the price at the bottom not the top this is not including VAT, unless you do not pay Vat as a business or claim it back. You can easily get caught out this way and get a nasty surprise at the till. A similar way Lidl have the prices above and not below the product with prices.

2nd rule bigger doesn’t mean better or cheaper. It is best to do some research beforehand or know the prices elsewhere to compare size pack etc. You of course cannot compare everything like for like, but having an idea stops you piling it all in the trolley. The exclusive items and own brand Kirkland will not be sold anywhere else, so these might be worth looking at.

They do also offer samples of food and drink often, i never tried anything but good if you`re interested in something and not sure.

The bakery is full of big packs of Muffins and Cakes, Cookies and pastries. These in my opinion were worth it for some items.

WE got on the 1st trip two packs of the Danish pastries, pretty big in size and a decent price for a 12pk. These did not keep that long, we had some left and unfortunately bit into one which had mould inside the crevice ewww. Next time we froze most of them and only kept a few out. Similar experience with the pain au chocolat with custard, was sure they would be fine. Checked them after several days and saw mould inside them! looked fine from the outside but inside another story!

The very last trip we went into Costco this month got some of the famous GIANT Muffins and Cookies. Had always seen these but never got. The cookies were tasty and still have 3 left ( albeit stale)

The Muffins we got were White choc Raspberry and Chocolate. Picked up one pack did not know they were bogof. The guy on the way out who checks your receipt, said so and allowed us to go get another one. This was probably for the best as the Chocolate ones we went back for was the best ones. The White chocolate Raspberry ones were a bit lacklustre, Thinking they would be full of Raspberry pieces they were not!

Over the course of the year spotted different items from The Pistachio spread which is super expensive everywhere but about £7.49 in there, got a few of them and is super tasty. Cookies and Starbucks coffee bottles. I did also get some storage containers in there which were a great bargain for and super strong. Kirkland own brand chocolate Hazelnut spread duo pack was also nice

  • Lemon juice 2pk big bottles
  • 1L cartons of Double cream
  • Clotted cream tub
  • Canadian Maple Cookies
  • Lemon cream Limoncello Panettone
  • Lemons big oversized
  • Cookie pack
  • Muffin packs
  • Danish pastries packs
  • Spam multipacks
  • Marmalade jar
  • Pistachio creme spread
  • Mushroom Crisps
  • Coffee mate creamer ( when it was cheaper )
  • President whipped cream can big
  • Butter blocks
  • Cinnamon Bun bites
  • Starbucks coffee bottled drinks Honeycomb and cookies and cream flavours 10pks
  • Kirkland Hazelnut Chocolate spread double pack
  • Saigon Cinnamon spice jar

Walking around it is easy to get distracted like a kid in a Candy shop. It all depends on what you eat and your budget and if it saves you money. Comparing items sold in bulk did not always mean cheaper than buying your usual smaller amounts.

I was most excited for the seasonal items Christmas and Halloween, seeing what they would have to offer. From Giant Mickey Nutcrackers to oversized ornaments and big festive lights. Halloween was a little less of an offering, i had hoped to get the Gargoyle Tombstone i had seen sold in previous years.

At the checkout, i always spotted things i had not seen myself in peoples trolleys. You could spend hours looking around there.

Down the many aisles, middle section, fresh veg and fruit, Bakery and Deli/Meats there is much to see. It all comes down to price your budget and if it is cheaper for you. I never visited the restaurant part on the way out. It is an Aladdin s cave of electrical s when you go in also with giant TVs.

We chose not to renew our membership into 2023 as we have had the experience of getting to shop in there. It was worth it at the discount rate and voucher, to get some new things to try and some things to save money. But going forward probably not worth paying full price for for us. I suppose every time you go you are looking to get your moneys worth out of your membership. This may encourage you to spend more to save more.

If you can experience shopping in Costco i would recommend it at least once to see what they have to offer. But whether it is worth the membership cost is down to you and what you buy.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and can offer some insight into what is is like and if is for you.

thanks for reading adam x