Coincidentally on the same date 2 years later 25th September 2020 and 25th September 2022. I knew from the planning there was more room for further development with dishes. Often the case with me at least, i am very ambitious with the amount of treats i make. This does mean ideas do go undeveloped and left out from the menu. This year with all my sequel teas, has given me the chance to bring those ideas back to the table.

I knew i already had the props from the 1st one, but it had to be different with a new vibe. I had got 2 Birdcage Cake stands previously and they came in a rustic look. I spray painted them silver to make them more modern and got another Bird themed stand. These worked perfectly setting the scene with the Bird connections in the film. I did sell my Mary Poppins returns Tea sets, so got these cute but small, cups from m&s which have spoonful of sugar on them and Birds as handles. I had Black plates and place mats to go with the theme.

The table set up

When Mary Poppins returns came out Primark had a range of homeware. They had plates but i thought they were expensive at £5 each for a tiny saucer. I waited for them to be reduced but they wasn’t and disappeared. I spotted them on ebay for a decent price for 3 and got them. I brought 6 but somehow the person sent me 9!

I had wanted Kites for the 1st Tea but couldn’t get any in that style so made them from cardboard. On the day of the Tea mum and Dad went to town and found some in Poundstretchers by chance. They were the style and perfect for background and photo ops.

When it came to menu writing i took my inspiration from the Films, Books and Mary Poppins cookbook. I came up with dishes based around feed the Birds, Smoke, Spoonful of sugar, Cherry Tree lane and book food references.

  • Mrs Banks Coconut cakes from the books- Mrs Banks tries to bribe the kids to behave by offering to make these. They go off to the park and fly their Kites, Mary Poppins then returns.
  • Mrs Corey’s Gingerbread cake
  • Marys Jam Cakes – Bert & Mary jump into one of Bert’s drawings and drink several pots of Tea, Whelks and a pile of Raspberry Cakes. Mary exclaims “strike me pink” saying she was pleased.
  • Cherry Scones
  • Cherry Tree lane Mousse dome based on Mary Poppins hat.
  • Parmesan Shortbread Umbrella sables
  • Smoked cheese Scones
  • Sandwiches
  • Chimney Cakes rolled in Lapsang souchong sugar
  • Spoonful of Sugar eclairs with Lime, Strawberry and Rum flavoured accents. These were the most time consuming of all the items. Different toppings, Jelly cubes and Flavoured chocolate spoons on top.
  • Feed the Birds Treacle Tart ( Breadcrumb based dessert British)

I returned as my chimney sweep/lamplighter Jack/Bert alter ego, with mum as Jolly Holiday Poppins and Dad as Mr Banks. I tried the Table in a different configuration this time, which worked better to pick up the backdrop with the tripod. Not taking you out of the illusion by seeing our living room, which is inevitable but on Cherry Tree lane. It`s a show after all!

I did get a Black Teapot for this occasion, but can use it for many different Teas as a neutral Teapot amongst the novelty ones. I chose loose leaf Yorkshire Tea but made it too strong so was like Brandy!

I also had Cherry flavoured Teas from Twinings and Whittard to fit into the theme of Cherry Tree Lane. I got a glass Infuser Teapot also for some of my loose leaf teas. I have had Tea sieves for a while, but we often have Teabags so the Teapot is full of hot water and not Tea. This means i can have a loose leaf infusion option.

As usual i recorded live via Facebook live and unfortunately sometimes the music does flag copyright. It is just for ambience and i have learned to play it low. But it flagged up and said my video wasn’t watchable? to any more viewers who knows? It is always fun and unpredictable anyway.

Well it didn’t spoil it anyway, we made our way though the treats ( some of them) about 45mins later. What was not eaten on the day has spent the following week being consumed mainly. A few things were recycled and turned into something else and some frozen for later. This is my 1st Tea that i have done since losing my job at Lakeland, being made redundant after 5 years as they closed the store down. I usually take leftovers willingly into work for my co workers to enjoy and the recycled goods too. It has been different not doing that, and sad not sharing my creations with them and talking about the thoughts behind them.


I am always ambitious and often do things of my own creation with no guidance for reference. That way i learn as i go i suppose what works and what really does not. I did not have any major issues just a few minor blips with the Cherry Mousse dome and the Chimney cakes caught in the oven. I made the Scones put them in the oven, then realised i hadn’t put the Cherries in! so made another batch

I am a perfectionist so that does get to me but it happens. I was happy with everything else that i made.

On looking back at the menu, i could have left out the Chimney Cakes and the Gingerbread. I did have these on my 1st Tea.


I did some food recycling with the Ginger Cake being made into Cake Truffles. The chocolate shells from the Mousse dome were melted down to make Chocolate Cherry Biscuit truffles. Some of the Leftover Scones were crumbled with leftover Sandwich crusts to make a Bread pudding. I am always mindful of food waste. I did throw 3 Eclairs as they had fresh cream inside.

It is always a learning experience with every Tea i have done, something goes well something does not. Ideas work and some need further fine tuning. The spoonful of sugar Eclairs changed from a Biscuit spoon to a flavoured chocolate spoon. This was time consuming as every spoon had a different flavour with crumbled flavoured Kitkats inside. They were tasty but could have done without that next time. But Mary Poppins is all about your imagination so the concept works well with it, a bit unusual and unexpected.

I cant rule out a return to Cherry Tree lane one day and a 3rd Tea, but for now it on to my next sequel Tea. This will be coming in October and Back to the Factory Wonka themed.

Thanks for reading my Blog, check out my other Afternoon Tea project posts. Subscribe by email or follow for all my blog posts. Adam x