Another Tea has come and gone number 19 in fact, who would have thought 19 introductions, finishes and Treats.

This was an early concept idea i had but was put on the back burner for lack of ideas to bring it altogether.When i was furloughed from work i spent time going back through my book of ideas and started work back on it. I always seem to settle and then add something on last minute. I was happy with my final menu but tweaks will always be needed.

The Mirror was the 1st part i started work on making one from scratch from cardboard, Paper, rubber Snakes, Paint and Gold spray. I was happy with how it came together and did not cost to much to make. This was to form the introduction to the Tea with the famed words ” Magic Mirror on the wall” The mask i actually got at Halloween and was called Petrol Man? i did not even think about the Mirror, brought it and was perfect for it.

Fun facts

According to the book Mirror Mirror, The Queens father was a Mirror maker and resented her as her mother died in childbirth and he disliked her. Telling her she was not pretty her whole life. It is said the Mirror is the spirit of her father taunting her from beyond. Their is also mention of an Apple festival in the book that the Queen and the young Princess Snow White attended.

I used my Partners voice for the Queens speech and my own for the Mirrors voice. Live video below from Facebook as it happened on Friday the 7th May 2021.

I often start with the scene setting before i have devised the Menu, this began with the Backdrop which i love love love. Then came the Carltonware Apple Teapots and add ons, a shame that could not get hold of the matching Cups. The Snow white Mugs came from Superdrug at Xmas in the sale for £3 each. The poison Apple Mug was on offer at shopdisney so got that too. I created a box for the Heart Dessert from the works, and stained it to make it look more older.

I like to think of my themed Afternoon Teas, as Tea meets Pantomime with costumes, props, scenery and theatrics mixed with themed Foods and Drinks.

I had wanted to be the Evil Queen Grimhilde? but the Costumes were a bit pricey for a one off use. I decided on the huntsman with a Robin Hood style outfit, my partner was the Witch peddler woman in the end anyway, Mum was of course Snow White. I also thought of being the Prince, but he has little screen time tbh at start and end.

I do a fair bit of research when i plan these Teas, including watching the Film, reading blogs watching videos. I devised the menu and finalised it and spent 2 days in the kitchen making and creating everything.

Some things just have a simple change like the Scone shape, whereas others are new concepts to figure out like the Apple Mousse. My biggest concern was it not setting and the Mirrorglaze. In actual fact it set beautifully but the Mirror Glaze slipped off it no matter what i did. I had frozen them and the Mirror Glaze was not warm. It tasted light with studded pieces of Apple, think i would swap out the Yogurt for just regular Cream or fold an Apple Compote through it. I tried to incorporate as many Apple themed items into the menu as possible.

I cannot remember ever making Toffee Apples but made some to top the fairest Cake in the land. These turned out great and set well. The Caramel also worked great with the spare Apple Tarts i made dipping them into it, made them look like Porcelain. This created a extra dish which was delicious and relevant to the theme.

I could have done without the Fairest cake in the Land tbh, had the Apples on their own, and the spare Apple Tarts. The Cake was to have had a Condensed Milk Buttercream ( Russian Buttercream) but split so had to use Cream instead to cover it.

The Savoury selection always has several Sandwiches and or Scones. This time i had just one Sandwich type Ham and a Savoury Hunters Chicken Pie. This was a take on Hunters Chicken, Chicken wrapped in Bacon in a Bbq style sauce with Cheese. This turned out well and was delicious. It was going to be a Toastie but thought it would be too messy with the Sauce coming out the sides.

I have started adding in more complicated dishes more Patisserie like. The Hunters Chocolate log a Chocolate Shell filled with Chestnut Spread ( i made) and topped with a Chocolate roulade. This came out very well. Would make with Milk Chocolate next time. The Chocolate Heart filled with Mousse was also tricky. Getting out the mould was the hard bit, for moulds with no bend having to snap freeze. It came out great though. Just need to ensure it comes out maybe an hour or so before we want it to allow the Chocolate to soften.


I had the perfect Teas to accompany this Tea Spiced Apple i got at Christmas, Apple Crumble and regular Apple. I of course have my standard Tea on offer as well.

The setting of the table and backdrop made this one super immersive with the costumes also. Dad became a Dwarf/Gnome Mum Snow White, Ryan the Witch and em the Hunstman. The Magic Mirror at the start sets the scene with some music from the film in the background. Recently Facebook have been muting part of my videos with music so trying to get the right level of sound for it not to be muted so much.

Rice Krispie Chocolate mine carts, Huntsman logs, Gooseberry pies, Caramel Apple Tarts
Apple shaped Scones with Apple preserves, Fairest Cake in the land, Apple Dumplings, Huntsmans Pies, Apple Mousse
Queens Bitter Heart filled with Chocolate Mousse


As with every Tea it has challenges things go wrong and things go right.

  • Take out the Fairest Cake in the land was not needed
  • Take Chocolate Heart Mousse out fridge sooner to soften the shell
  • Colour the Apple Mousse Green and fold through an Apple compote. Switch Yogurt in recipe to Cream
  • Mirror Glaze ughh

Well that`s all for this Tea, hope you enjoyed reading about what went on behind the scenes to make it all happen. Check out my other 18 themed Afternoon Teas reviews on my blog.

Adam x