So my fifth Afternoon Tea has come and gone  and not so long after my 4th Mermaid one.

All part of my Tea with me themed Afternoon Teas project

I knew i wanted to do an Easter themed one if i could fit it in.I was lucky enough to have Easter Friday off so could do it then. I spent the whole day Baking and took a lot of the leftovers into  my work the next day, which everyone enjoyed i hope. I also kept some back for us here to snack on.

bunny adam


I had luckily picked up the Rabbit Teapot and mugs on sale from Asda George last year, as well as the table runners from Tesco in the sale. I got the napkins, Carrot plates and Bunny pot last minute from Tiger and Waitrose.

I wish i has managed to find a Spring themed backdrop for the background. I had planned to use my Bunny Jars also as decorations on either side of the stand but forgot.

As usual filmed via Facebook live when i finally figured out where the button was. Check it out live as it happened below.

The table setting was very Spring with the Grass Table cover  and decorations.

Strictly just a Bunny themed pot, it made an excellent Sugar cube pot with the Carrot plates for used  spoons. The choice of mainly white tableware then the bright Orange worked well with the other colours.DSC_8326

On the Menu

  • Mini Carrot Cakes  with Chocolate Carrots and Walnut top
  • Fruit Cake slices
  • Shortbread Lemon Tarts  – these were chosen for you see Lemon Bakewell tarts at Easter, originally they were to have an icing top  and candied Lemon slice on top.
  • Oreo Egg Brownies
  • Chocolate Mini Cakes with Fudge icing & Mini Eggs on top.
  • Hot Cross Scones – as per an idea i had seen, next time add some Sultanas, mixed peel  to make them more Hot Cross Bun Like
  • Cheesy Bunny Face Scones
  • Sandwiches – Beef & Mustard and Cheese & Pickle


What worked well?

  • The table setting worked great and the selection of treats were light and not too heavy
  • Choosing one Tea for us all in the Teapot made serving easier
  • Good selection of treats to fill space on stand


  • Bake Brownies in sheet and cut squares, baking individual ones more work.
  • Hot cross Scones – addition of Sultanas and orange peel to recipe and smaller but taller
  • Chocolate Cakes – change of icing to a Ganache or Chocolate Buttercream topping.
  • Lemon Tarts – addition of Icing on top and Candied Lemon slice.
  • Ceramic Rabbits on table for decoration.
  • Extra Sandwich flavour.

The next Tea is one of my bigger themed ones and a bigger more extensive Menu will be coming and scenery etc. Look out for that in May towards the end of the Month.

If you have a suggestion for an Afternoon Tea Theme leave a comment and will consider all possible suggestions as well as my own planned ones.

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Thanks for reading,

Adam x