Christmas is soon on its way  in just over a month and 12 days

The smell of Mulled wine, Festive baking, Mulled spice air fresheners, Xmas lights and tinsel Festive foods new and old , Festive Booze and presents.

Every year  Supermarkets come up with new  Christmas themed foods and drinks for us to enjoy some great some just meh. From Christmas TREE shaped  washing up sponges ( YES I GOT THEM LOL) Brussels sprout looking chocolate truffles  and festive meat joints.

Then there is the decorations  from tinsel,  lights and Xmas tree ornaments. Every year i do buy something new to add be it more snow roll, lights from pound land or Wreath Garlands. I seldom buy Christmas tree ornaments . this year i sadly have some new baubles from the community centre which they closed down to add to the tree, although they are nice and will always bring back memories of past Christmases spent hosting parties. I also have  a few other decorations i managed to get from being offered them to add to my Christmas stalls and at home it is a bittersweet feeling.

I always look forward to festive baking moulds and tins even better after Xmas in the sales!

and the festive food brought out to give me my own ideas on what to bake and using the bake ware to make things to sell at the Christmas fairs and markets i do.

I try to make something new every year that is quirky and different or a different interpretation of a classic which everyone loves. It is difficult to fit new things in with classics with not going overboard and making to much for the fairs and markets and coming home with it. There is a balance of having a variety of items shapes, colours and flavours to give choice.

The display of them all has evolved over the years and now with many many many cake stands i can display them well alongside my ever growing festive decorations. I choose a different theme for each of my stalls, sometimes the same  mostly different. It really depends on the space i have on the stall, in the car haha and the event itself.

People often want to buy my props from my stall rather than the things for sale, ask me where they are from etc. everyone has a different style in presentation this is mine.


Last year i got a lot of moulds and cookie cutters at Christmas so plan to put some of them into use. It does seem impossible to use them all sometimes, as some markets are not the kind of thing people usually buy so saving them for another time.

The items i do not get to use i plan to use the next year alongside any other goodies i get in the post Xmas sales from Lakeland. I keep my eyes on some items when they come out and wait like a bird of prey and swoop down to get them at the reduced price. You can get some items from 50-75 % off if you wait and plan the sale activity properly.

It is of course time for the Christmas jumpers to return to stores and the chance for me to wear all the ones i got last year in the post Xmas sales. I do not have a count  of the ones i got last year but returning with my Advent calendar of Christmas jumpers  hoping i can make it to 25 again and take me to a total of 50 Xmas jumpers in total.( who has that many besides me honestly LOL)  Well for £2 instead of 12/15/18 you can afford to it is pot lock in getting them in the right size or at all after Xmas

Christmas hats also return or earmuffs which i also manage to get at least 1 every year, so maybe a Christmas hat advent calendar is coming on the way also!  i BLAME CLAIRE’S POST XMAS SALE  FOR THAT!

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