Yesterday i Celebrated Christmas in July and had a fabulous time at the Tesco Christmas preview event. I was chosen and 9 people in all customers from Tesco Orchard programme from thousands of members. This was London based people and with high  Orchard scores too, loads and loads of pictures to come, fab food, homewares and many comments on my xmas jumper i was the only one wearing one! snow trees and i made a video in the entrance like Narnia
so lucky to have had the chance to attend as it is just for the media thanks Tesco Orchard ‪#‎adampastryguy‬ ‪#‎tescoCiJ‬ and a fab goodie bag

I got lost on the way there as i came out the wrong London Bridge station exit and ended up somewhere else, luckily i went one way and i saw the other station entrance and knew that is where google map directed me from. I had to wear a coat to conceal my Christmas Jumper and it was hot out so very hot with the 2 on. Found it okay after that checked in my bag and coat and wandered into the event.

I thought people would be wearing festive clothes but no! so i stood out alright in my Christmas Jumper which many people commented on. Another lady in my group from the Orchard  wore one too who came later. I recently got the jumper on ebay, it had  London Landmarks on it and lights up on the sleigh so perfect for a London based event.

The 1st room the Brussels sprouts chocs were great and will take the idea and make something from them.‪#‎tescoCiJ‬ ‪#‎adampastryguy‬ the forest was amazing with the snow and wind and trees and night sky. I had some Mulled punch as i arrived and got to decorate a Biscuit with my name in icing and Sprinkles. I learned how to quickly wrap and with style gifts from a celebrity gift wrapper. We had a chat and she loved my Jumper. Safari chocs in this room were tasty too.

food in every form possible and some fab desserts and ideas for the festive season from Tesco .‪#‎tescoCiJ‬ ‪#‎adampastryguy‬

Including Steamed Buns, Camemberts with bread around bake in the oven and many delicious looking party snacks.

Sweets and chocs and desserts were in abundance with Christmas flavours including orange and cranberry popcorn, cocoa and rum crisps ? they were a bit odd.

Mini Mince Pies, biscuits, Chocolate and Red velvet cake, Blondie bites, Fancy cheese balls and posh Pork Pies.

Some of the Tesco orchard team and other Orchard members at the Christmas Tesco preview event today and me of course christmas jumper blazing in the middle ‪#‎adampastryuy‬ .‪#‎tescoCiJ‬

There wasn`t many of the homewares on show but did spot a Santa Teapot and mug which i will be getting and doing a Christmas themed afternoon tea with ( an idea at the moment)

Lots of fab wrapping paper too and potentially Christmas lights!

I got a goodie bag with some great stuff in it too.
