Many years ago i decided to search for vegan cake recipes to try them out and add them to my range of cakes i could bake, should the occasion or order come up. I Made Biscuits and lots of vegan things, these banana cakes are my most used recipe. The idea of a cake without butter and eggs or dairy makes us think of it being heavy and uncake like, But this is light considering banana makes things more dense  and they don`t taste vegan at all.  Made them in  mini loaf pans and took them out to the market to sell as if they were regular Banana cakes.

in some months i make them once a week with the glut of bananas in the kitchen, since i don`t eat bananas. I haven`t eaten bananas for most of my life it seems in there entirety, i remember trying to eat Bananas and Custard at my Nans place for supper, i couldnt then and i was like 12. Something about the slimy and mushy texture i cannot eat. I tried to eat a frozen chocolate covered banana in Disneyland and ate it but didn`t enjoy it. When i made a Banoffee pie for the classes i teach, i removed the bananas  leaving a sad looking pie for me to eat.

I have eaten Banana chips which are okay andBanana flavour things, they tend to be artificial Banana which is either weak or way too strong. So the only way i eat them is in banana cake or pancakes, some people call it banana bread but it is cake ! funny how our tastebuds work.
