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I am always on the look out for interesting new things out, new flavours or products, to get ideas, try them and take inspiration to create my own bakes and desserts. Various confectionary i find from in town in the supermarkets to on ebay from China/Japan and stuff i have had luckily sent  to me from the states.  Always share so others can try them find them

We get some stuff imported here in the Uk when it comes to USA goods like Oreos and you have to pay much more to get the unusual stuff, so i find them here and there  without breaking the bank by shopping in the imported stores which specialise in those goods. Those stores can be very pricey compared to if you went to the states and brought the same goods, but would be vice versus for our goods over there, so do understand it.

I am a big Oreo  fan so always on the lookout for new flavours, we seldom get them here just things with oreos in them like the Cadburys bar or icecreams, not new varieties like the states has in endless supply. So turn to Ebay and amazon for news on new ones, but can be very pricy too.  Same goes for Confectionary and candy bars.

There was a time when we didnt even had Reeses pb cups !  now we have them everywhere

I have been very lucky my partner sent me loads of Oreos  from the states and brought some back also.

But theres always  something new to try!
